
This company was build on the memory of my Father, Idriss Barkad (God Rest His Soul, Allahu Nahareesto). A man of principimg_6880le, he said two things that I shall never forget. First that knowledge is power, and the second that a man should be healthy, wealthy and wise. As a child growing up I did not forget these words, it was the very ethic that I live by and keep very much alive in many parts of my life.

Over the past year these very word become the reason in which Idriss Press was built a people orientated company that provides publishing services to authors. We provide services like editing online and offline, designing, publishing and marketing books to people all over the world.

Our Slogan is Invest to Inspire because we want to encourage others to invest time, knowledge in themselves and others in order to build a better people and Inspiring ideas to share all over the world.

Our main aim in to encourage “Active Authorship” to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. As writing for myself was the solution to finding sanctuary in chaotic and unpredictable world. Therefore we encourage and provide writers with the tools that they require to develop a better understanding of self and therefore support writers become better and stronger authors.

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23 thoughts on “About

      1. I see this is a great site to encourage writing and to encourage reading, which is a necessity for minds all over the world. Greetings to this wonderful work and always to success and lasting success.

        Liked by 2 people

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